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Meet the Institute Team

Our patient-centered focus means you will experience quality and compassionate care from our team of medical professionals. Here at ITI we have dedicated physicians, nurses, and experts who understand your needs and will be with you every step of the way.

Our Doctors

Immunotherapy Institute Staff Dr. Ariel

Dr. Ariel Perez Carbajal

Director of Functional Medicine

Dr Perez is a functional/integrative physician, specializing in the treatment of chronic illnesses. He graduated from Baja California’s State University U.B.C. as a General Practitioner. Additional training and certification followed at the Institute for Functional Medicine, where he finished at the top of his class. His studies also include orthomolecular medicine, cellular nutrition, hyperthermia, hyperbaric chamber, ozone treatment, bioenergetics, exercise, and applied kinesiology.

Dr. Perez has developed many functional medicine programs for hospitals, where he normally also takes on the role of department head of functional medicine services.
Dr Perez is an experienced public speaker who participates in many integrative and holistic symposiums, promoting health and wellness.

“My mission is to improve patient outcomes through prevention, early assessment and comprehensive management of complex, chronic disease, this by identifying and healing the underlying clinical imbalances of chronic disease, creating momentum towards health.”

Degrees & Professional Affiliations

•Graduate, Baja California State University, U.B.C.
•Member, National Board of General Practitioners
•Member, Tijuana association of GPs
•Certified in Functional Medicine by the Institute for Functional Medicine ( ACCME®)
•Certified in Bioenergetics by the Vega academy Germany
•Certified in Hyperthermia by the Heckel Academy Germany
•Certified in Medical Ozone Therapy by the Medical Society for Ozone
•Certified on applied Kinesiology by the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara

Immunotherapy Institute Staff

Dr. Alejandro Martinez Nava

Clinical Oncologist

Dr. Alejandro Martinez received the title of Surgeon at the recognized National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), studied for two years in the specialty of Internal Medicine and did three years of training in clinical oncology at the National Cancer Institute (INCAN), considered the best institution in Latin America in the treatment of cancer.

He did his thesis on locally advanced head and neck tumors and thus reached the degree of specialist in Mexico. He also received educational training abroad in the oncology service of the Central University Hospital of Asturias.

He has a diploma in science and research from the Anahuac University and participates in national and international conferences and forums, where he shares his skills.

Currently dedicated to the clinical care of cancer patients from different points of view and multidisciplinary approaches in order to help patients with this disease to receive the most appropriate treatment for their clinical conditions and with the best results.

He is a member of the most important national and international oncology societies. He is a doctor committed to his work and medical assistance endorsed by all patients who have known him and have had the pleasure of being treated by Dr. Martinez.

“I have decided to study oncology because it is an area of medicine that not only requires the knowledge of the disease, the sensitivity it requires and the humanism necessary to actually help patients who go through this difficult situation. I give gratitude for the morals and education received from my family and from the excellent teachers that I have known throughout my life. I love my profession, I am able to be fully happy to do what I do every day ”

Active member: Mexican Oncology Society since since 2017.
Member active of American Society of Clinical Oncology since 2016.
Member active European Society for Medical Oncology since 2016.
International expérience in Central University Hospital of Asturias, Oviedo, Spain.
Breast Cancer preceptorship, Sevilla Spain, September 2019
Prostate cancer preceptorship, Mexico City, April 2018
Professor Best of Asco, Oral Abstract session: Melanoma, Cancun Mexico September 2019
Professor Best of Asco, Oral Abstract session: Genitourinary Cancer. Cancun Mexico September 2019
Diploma in methodology and clinical research, Anahac University 2018.
Certified by the Mexican Council of Oncology since 2016.

Immunotherapy Institute Staff Dr. Alfonso

Dr Alfonso Martinez

Lead Treating Physician

Dr. Martinez obtained his M.D. degree from the Autonomous University of Baja California (2008), and began his journey into functional medicine in 2013. As a physician he realized from an early onset the current approach of treating the symptoms and not the root cause of the problems was a mistake. So he started implementing an integrative approach.

He became a certified functional medicine practitioner by the IFM on 2014, shortly after he was invited to become part of the Immunotherapy Institute. This is where he found an opportunity to apply his abilities and continues to grow as a physician.

IFM Certified Practitioner

IFM Coursework
•Advanced Clinical Training: Reversing Cognitive Decline
•Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice
•Biotransformation (formerly Detox) Advanced Practice Module
•Cardiometabolic Advanced Practice Module
•Energy Advanced Practice Module
•GI Advanced Practice Module
•Hormone Advanced Practice Module


•Hospital Angeles, Tijuana B.C. January 2013-present. Attending physician for the Immunotherapy Institute.
•Premeditest, Tijuana B.C. October 2012- Dicember 2012.
•Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma, Tijuana B.C. Febrero 2010 - Septiembre 2012.
•Recovery for Life Treatment Center .Punta Piedra B.C. Octubre 2009-Febrero 2010.
•Casa del Diabético. Pachuca, Hidalgo, México. Agosto 2006- Septiembre 2009.

Immunotherapy Institute Staff Dr. Andrez

Dr Andres Meraz

MD / Treating physician porfa

Dr. Meraz' journey in Medicine started in 2004 when he entered nursing school, from which he has a degree. Seven years later he started medical school at Universidad Xochicalco in Tijuana BC on June 2011 and completing his studies on june 2017 after five year of school and two years of internship and social service He finally began his practice in 2017.

His path in functional medicine began on august 2018 while venturing into the fields of oncological medicine in the area of palliative care and appropriate management of the hospitalized oncology patient. At the same time, he started a career in functional medicine in the area of care of the oncological patient, which was the beginning of what he now practices every day. Today, he continues to acquire the newest knowledge, which provides him the necessary tools to continue growing as a functional doctor. He continues to seek to merge conventional medicine by changing the traditional approach of the practice of medicine centered on the disease, to one more focused on the patient. Functional medicine treats the person as a whole, not just a group of isolated symptoms.

Dr. Christian Andres Meraz Real M.D. is a Board Certified Licensed Physician of Mexico.

Professional Experience:

2004 -2008 Escuela de Enfermería PIMA Medical Institute. San Diego, Ca.
2008-2009 Diplomado de cuidados pediátricos (School of Nursing) San Diego, Ca.
2009-2011 La Mesa Pediatrics (enfermero pediátrico) La Mesa , Ca.
2011-2011 Diplomado en fisioterapia y rehabilitación del adulto mayor(School of Nursing)San Diego, Ca
2011-2015 Carrera de Médico Cirujano General (CEUX Universidad Xochicalco).
2013-2014 Enfermero en Diabetic Care Center ahora fundación casa de la salud.
2015-2016 Internado de Pregrado Medico Hospital general DR. Ramírez Topete Cd. Cuauhtémoc Chih.
2016-2017 Pasantía de servicio social en C.S.R.D. Ixtapa de la Concepción, Compostela, Nayarit.
2017- 2017 Médico General para Hospital del Carmen Tijuana, BC.
2018- Actualidad- Médico funcional para FMA Hospital Ángeles Tijuana, BC. México

Immunotherapy Institute Staff Dr. Cesar

Dr. Cesar Amescua

Pain Management Specialist

Dr. Amescua earned his medical degree in Mexico City at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Following graduation, he completed a two-year internship, then specialized in Anesthesia at the Hospital General de Mexico.

Ongoing education includes two years of study on Pain Management at the Pain Clinic of the Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia in Mexico City, where he later spent three additional years as Coordinator of the Pain Clinic.

Dr. Amescua's further experience/affiliations include:

-Professor of Pain Management at the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California School of Medicine.
-He has worked with cancer and neuropathic pain patients for 20 years and has participated in more than 100 medical meetings as an invited professor.
-Dr . Amescua has published multiple articles in various medical journals and contributed several chapters to books on pain management.
-Dr. Amescua organized the Neuropathic Pain Satellite Meeting on behalf of the World Congress on Pain in San Diego, CA in 2002.
-He is currently the Medical Director at Hospital Angeles, Tijuana.
-Graduate of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
-Past President of the Asociacion Mexicana para el Estudio y Tratamiento del Dolor, A.C.(AMETD).
-Member of The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).
-Member of the International Coalition of Neurophatic Pain.
-Member of the World Institute of Pain.
-Medical Director of Hospital Angeles in Tijuana, B.C. Mexico

Immunotherapy Institute Staff Dr. Jose

Dr Jose Guadalupe Rios

Hematologist / Clinical Internist


Nurses & Lab

Immunotherapy Institute Staff Nancy Miranda

Nancy Miranda

Onco-rehab , physiotherapist

My main function is to improve the quality of life of patients, taking health care to another level. My criteria as a health professional allows me to evaluate and define goals and objectives with my patients in order to improve quality of life. Such objectives are: maintain optimal respiratory function, have adequate blood circulation, prevent muscular atrophy and optimize the patient's functional independence.

For 6 years I have worked in the care for cancer patients. I Developed a program for the inpatient care of the cancer patient, which focuses on preserving the abilities of patients and reducing the damage of some sequelae.

My restlessness was born when my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, when I was only 16 years old. The love of and passion to serve led me to the path of physiotherapy in oncology.

Notable Designations

Degree in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation: I received my degree from the University of the Fort Valley in Los Mochis, Sinaloa in Mexico.
Member of the college of physiotherapists and rehabilitators of Baja California. Professor at the University of Durango in Tijuana.
Certified in global myofascial release.
Certified in post-cancer breast lymphedema management.
Certified in neuromuscular bandage.
Diploma in neuropropioceptive facilitation.
Diploma in in-hospital kinesitherapy in oncological patients.
Participant in the assessment workshop and techniques in respiratory conditions.
Participant in the aquatic therapy workshop in post-mastectomy lymphedema.
Participant in the global stretching workshop.
Clinical Theoretical Internship in lymphedema management.

License number: 11405788

Anette Solorio

Clinical Nutritionist

Anette Solorio is a Registered Dietician (RD) specializing in Nutritional Research and Nutrition therapy treatment of chronic illnesses. She graduated from Jesuit Ibero University with Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition and Food Science and obtained her Master’s degree in Health Science and Nutrition in University Baja California’s State University U.B.C.

RD Anette Solorio has developed many nutrition programs for health government institutions and clinics. She recently participated in the best Nutrition Institutions in the country as Professor in Nutrition, Obesity, Public Health and Dietary statistics programs, and has also coordinated Nutrition Internship students.

She has participated as speaker in many symposiums, promoting health and nutrition and she also published research study in International Obesity Congress.

“My goal is to provide nutritional care to patients by translating the science of nutrition into practical solutions for healthy living a speedy recovery process, improve health and quality of life by receiving medical nutrition therapy. Investigate and be in the vanguard of the best methods and therapies of nutrition, keep track of each patient and the method use as well to share the most successful cases to contribute in the research of nutrition in cancer.”

RD Solorio speaks English and Spanish

Immunotherapy Institute Staff Cynthia

Cynthia Sanchez

Head Nurse

Cynthia Sanchez

Head Nurse

Your Advocates & Staff

Immunotherapy Institute Staff Carlos Zavala

Carlos Zavala

CEO & Founder

Immunotherapy Institute Miguel Barajas

Miguel Barajas

Operations & Founder

Immunotherapy Institute Staff Karla Gonzalez

Karla Gonzalez

Finance manager

Immunotherapy Institute Staff Gabriela Rodriguez

Gabriela Rodriguez

Senior Patient Coordinator

Ana Karen Mendez

Patient Coordinator

Jocelyn Solis

Finance Manager

Immunotherapy Institute Yessenia Jquez

Yessenia Jaquez

Patient coordinator

Roger Reynaga

Patients Relations

“The allopathic approach to chemotherapy often destroys the body’s own natural ability to attack cancer cells, damaging the immune system and leaving it defenseless against the disease. Our alternative-natural cancer treatment heals the body to maximize its own ability to attack cancer cells and has been studied to increase success rates up to 80% by combining 5 etiological areas: Genetics, Nutrition, Xenobiosis, Chronic Inflammation and psychology”

Dr. Ariel Perez

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