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First Name
Last Name
Primary Diagnosis:–None–Anal CancerBreast CancerBladder CancerBone CancerColon / Rectal CancerEndometrial CancerKidney CancerLiver CancerLeukemia CancerLung CancerMelanoma / Skin CancerNon Hodgkins / Hodgkins LymphomaPancreatic CancerProstate CancerStomach CancerThyroid CancerOther (Please Specify)
Other Primary Diagnosis:
Date of Diagnosis:
Cancer Stage:–None–Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4
Metastasis:Anal CancerBreast CancerBladder CancerBone CancerColon / Rectal CancerEndometrial CancerKidney CancerLiver CancerLeukemia CancerLung CancerMelanoma / Skin CancerNon Hodgkins / Hodgkins LymphomaPancreatic CancerProstate CancerStomach CancerThyroid CancerNoneOther (Please Specify)
Other Metastasis:
When did you find out the cancer spread:
What treatments have you done:ChemotherapyRadiationSurgeryImmunotherapyNoneOther (Please Specify)
Other Treatments Done:
What was the result of the treatments:GoodFairBadNoneOther (Please Specify)
Other Treatment Results:
Are you currently under medication:–None–YesNo
What medications are you on:High blood pressure medicationLow blood pressure medicationDiabetes medicationPain medicationChemotherapyAntibioticsNoneOther (Please Specify)
Other Medications:
What are your current symptoms:AnemiaBlood in urineBlood in stoolChange in bowel habitsDifficulty swallowingFatigueFrequent urinationHeadacheNauseaNonhealing soresPainPersistent coughSwollen glandsVaginal BleedingVomitingWeight lossNoneOther (Please Specify)
Other Symptoms:
History of cancer in the family:GrandfatherGrandmotherFatherMotherSiblingsNoneOther (Please Specify)
Other Relative:
Are there any other illnesses:DiabetesHigh blood pressureLow blood pressureHepatitisImmune suppressiveJaundiceNoneOther (Please Specify)
Other illnesses:
Do you currently have medical insurance:–None–YesNoNot Sure
Do you know what type of plan you have?:–None–HMOPPOEPOPOSHDHPHASNot sure
Name of your insurance company:
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