Esophageal cancer occurs in the inner lining cells of the Esophageal (food pipe) that starts from the back of our mouth and extends to the stomach. Like other cancers, esophageal cancer also gets diagnosed depending on its signs and symptoms.
Today, we have multiple methods of diagnosis that helps us to identify esophageal cancer and the extent of the disease. These diagnosis methods make esophageal tumors treatment easy and accurate.
• Esophagram or Barium swallow
In this test, a patient suspected of esophageal cancer swallows a liquid with Barium before undergoing an x-ray. The Barium coats the esophageal tube and helps to identify any unusual cell growth or tumor-like changes in the x-ray. And if your x-ray shows any abnormality in the esophageal, your doctor will recommend other tests to understand if it is cancerous.
• Bronchoscopy
If your esophageal tumors or abnormal cell growth occurs in the upper section of the esophageal, your doctor can suggest a Bronchoscopy. The Bronchoscopy helps to identify whether the tumor is developing in the breathing passage. In this method, your doctor will pass a thin pipe containing a light at the end through your mouth or nose. The pipe will help the doctor check your breathing passage, windpipe, and lungs to locate the exact position of the tumor. It is one of the common diagnoses for esophageal tumors treatment in Mexico.
• Upper endoscopy or EDG
In endoscopy, the doctor passes an endoscope (a thin and flexible pipe with a light and micro camera at the end) through the throat down to the food pipe. The endoscope helps to identify the tumor’s exact location or any other abnormality in the inner lining of the esophageal. It is also a widely popular diagnosis for esophageal tumors treatment.
• Endoscopic Ultrasound
Another essential diagnosis helps to identify whether the esophageal tumor is grown on the esophageal wall, how long it is extended, and if it has reached nearby lymph nodes or other structures. In endoscopic Ultrasound, an endoscope with an ultrasound imaging tool passes through the esophageal and produces ultrasound imaging of the internal parts of the esophageal.
• Biopsy
The biopsy is the primary diagnosis for esophageal tumors treatment that helps to identify whether the tumor is cancerous. It also helps to identify the stage and determine the treatment accordingly. In a biopsy, small tissues of the esophageal (suspected era) are removed and tested in the lab to identify cancer and its current stage.
• Biomarker testing
When your doctor gets the sample of your esophageal tumor’s tissues, they will suggest several lab tests to check the genes and other factors. The biomarker or molecular test is beneficial in determining the esophageal tumors treatment.
• Others
Some other tests like HER2 testing, CT or CAT, microsatellite instability (MSI) testing, PET-CT scan, and MRI play crucial roles in identifying the location, condition, and scope of medication for your esophageal cancer. Also, PD1 and PD-L 1 are basic tests that help to check your immunity. PD 1 and PD-L 1 are immune checkpoints crucial for your immunity system to control cancer growth.
Your doctor will recommend tests and diagnoses methods based on your medical history, signs and symptoms you carry, your general health, age, and previous test reports. And Immunotherapy is one of the best places that offer esophageal cancer tests and effective esophageal tumors treatment in Mexico.